Jesse Talbott

Manufacturing Manager Jesse Talbott

Jesse Talbott

Manufacturing Manager

What would people never guess you do in your role?

Training and “skilling up” everyone I oversee, especially new hires. I enjoy taking the skills I’ve learned in welding and construction and providing guidance to my team on how our procedures work. 

What do you wish your clients knew about you?

The constant drive for perfection in everything I do. I have a hard time accepting anything less than perfect. I’m always looking for ways to tweak and make things better in any way we can. I’m not a “good enough is good enough” kind of person. 

Who is the most influential person to you?

The most influential would be my grandpa. From childhood, he taught me how to work hard and take pride in it. As soon as we were old enough, he’d pick me and my brothers and cousins up on Wednesdays and we’d mow his yard. From an early age, I learned that money doesn’t come for free, and to do the job right. He was a great man and showed me how to love family, be compassionate, and love strangers.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

From the very beginning, I knew I wanted to work with my hands. Whatever it was, I wanted to be building something, specifically making furniture. My earliest memories include wanting to build tables and chairs. That’s why Renfrow+Co is a big part of that dream – furniture is something we fabricate. 

What is your hidden talent?

I can ride a unicycle. Not a lot of people know that.